Celebration going on in Westminster Abbey with the arrival of dignitaries, and already setting down.
Charles is recognised by his people as their ‘undoubted King’
The King has turned to each of the four points of the compass and has been recognised by his people as their ‘undoubted King’.
The recognition rite saw King Charles presented to the congregation at the beginning of the service, with the participation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Baroness Amos, Lady Elish Angiolini, and Christopher Finney, Chair of the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association.
Each said in turn: ‘I here present unto you King Charles, your undoubted King. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service: are you willing to do the same?’
The congregation and choir replied: ‘God save King Charles.’
To watch the coronation of King Charles III live, click on this link here
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